The Terrafugia Flying Car

Terrafugia TakeoffThe Terrafugia Transition, a light aircraft that can convert into a road-legal automobile, is to go into production after being given a special weight exemption by the US Federal Aviation Administration.

Terrafugia Transition cruising speed in the air is 115 mph, with a 460 mile range. It requires 1/3 mile runway to take off and can fit in a standard garage.
Walk up to a car door, open up a car door, get in and sit in a car seat. How cool is that, if you’ve climbed in and out of small airplanes before you realize what a nice feature that is. In side the cockpit of the Terrafugia you have all the normal displays as a normal airplane, and a normal car.

A little bit about the controls… when in the road mode, there is a steering wheel, gas pedal, and a brake. When you change into airplane mode, your feet go out on 2 rudder pedals, the stick comes up from the floor and folds up, then you have a stick, throttle, and rudder pedals, just like any other airplane, so that any pilot can fly it. Any driver can drive it… and any pilot can fly it.

I want to pull up to somebody’s driveway and unfold the wings and have an airplane in their drive…and wonder how it got there.

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