T-fal BeerTender. “The ultimate at home draught beer experience”.
The BeerTender works with kegs made by Heineken. As of now you can only get Heinken and Heineken Light kegs. (I have tried one keg of each and I prefer Heineken over Heineken Light) Supposedly they are coming out with different beers in the near future. You may see other mini-kegs available, but the difference is that the Heineken DraughtKeg is pressurized.
The BeerTender is really a small fridge that surrounds the keg and keeps the beer at the optimal temperature of 39 degrees. There is an indicator light on the top of the machine that will light up once this temperature has been reached.
The ideas is to mix the right temperature and pressure for the best beer experience. And who doesn’t want that! It says the beer will stay fresh for up to 30 days once tapped.
It is very simple to use, takes maybe a minute to install a new keg into the. Watch the video for a demonstration of how to change a keg out on the BeerTender.
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